Time to stay alert and not to panic- Fight against Corona
“Time to stay alert and not to panic”
A general guideline on coronavirus and learn how to stay safe and avoid its mass spreading.
What is coronavirus?
(COVID-19) or coronavirus is an infectious disease and a respiratory illness first discovered in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. It is also known as SARS-CoV-2 that has spread in over 100 countries around the world and has affected many thousands of people. This disease is contagious and can spread from person to person. By keeping good hygiene, we can prevent the infection.
It’s high time to stay alert and safe by understanding this disease completely. Though there is no vaccine developed against this virus, researchers are working on creating a vaccine and potential treatments for COVID-19.
Let’s learn about the symptoms and precautions of coronavirus and how to keep oneself and others safe.
Symptoms of coronavirus
COVID-19 virus causes pneumonia-like symptoms. Patients with coronavirus infection are suffering from coughs, fever and breathing difficulty. Antibiotics are of no use for this infection. Recovery depends on immune system strength.
According to national health science, people are identified with symptoms like
High temperature- chest, and back you feel hot
Continous cough- repeated coughing
Special note :
Elders or older people or people who are suffering from chronic medical conditions like diabetes or lung or heart disease are at higher risk of developing serious complications from COVID-19 illness. Protect yourself!!
Number of people affected so far
Human to human transmission was confirmed in January by china’s national health commission. As per Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, more than 246,178 people have already been infected as of 19 march 2020 in over 150 countries. Total death globally is 10,049 and people who recover from this disease are 88,483.
According to live updates from ALJAZEERA, Italy overtakes china’s death toll. Italy’s death rate has risen to 3,405 overtaking the number of death registered in china.
Learn how coronavirus spreads
Direct exposure to this virus
The virus spread through person to person (people in contact or within 6 feet distance)
Through respiratory droplets of an infected person, when he coughs or sneezes.
This droplet can land in the mouth or nose of a person nearby and is inhaled into the lungs.
Precautionary measures
Often clean and wash your hands
Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, especially after coming from public places or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. In case of non-availability of soap or water, use sanitizers that contain 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of hands and rub until dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick and even the people in the community as it spreads fast.
Avoid crowded places
Maintaining hygiene
Stay at home, if sick
Cover cough and sneezes
Cover face with a mask
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surface
Clean the surface with soap and water, prior to disinfectant.
Ways to disinfect
Diluting household bleach or by adding ⅓ cup of bleach per gallon of water. Follow manufacturers instructions
Alcohol solution- ensure the use of a solution with alcohol content up to 70%
Self-isolation or quarantine and maintain good hygiene
Protect yourself and others if you are infected or living in an infected community. Take precautionary measures required and self isolate if you are suffering from COVID-19.
Maintain good hygiene by following these rules
Cover mouth with tissue or cloth while sneezing or coughing
Dispose of tissue properly
Wash hands with soap and water before and after eating or using the toilet
Prefer alcohol-based sanitizers.
Disinfecting surface
Sanitize and clean objects like mobile, keys and wallets.
Risk check
High-risk country (mainland China, Iran, Italy or Korea)
People with compromised immune systems
People suffering from chronic medical conditions
People in group reside
ntial settings and detention facilities
Be kind
Be safe
Be alert
Be supportive
This time is calling for mass support and alertness to fight against #coronavirus