Golang Advantages – Benefits of programming with Go
We all are very well aware of Go, which is also known as Golang among developers. Let’s learn about Golang advantages in brief. It is an open-source programming language from Google which made it release in 2011. Go design was first initiated by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike and Ken Thompson in 2007 and open-sourced it in 2009.
NOTE: Languages from which Golang is inspired are Modula, Smalltalk, Oberon, Algol, Pascal, C and Newsqueak.
Let us brief you on how and from where the Go language was inherited. The programming language was taken from Oberon, the syntax was inspired from C, and the OOP was taken from Smalltalk. The concurrency came from Newsqueak.
It’s the time to Go
When compared to other languages, Google’s Golang comes with good advantages.
Languages like Ruby, Nodejs or JavaScript may not sometimes bring the desired results due to compiling runtime errors, dependencies and speed. The comparison shows Node and JS are a bit wild, and Ruby can be slow, and a bit unsafe, and Java gets complex at times and lengthy too. Go fights these problems to an extent and provide some advantages to the user. Of Course, there are some cons as every coin have two faces.
Golang advantages
- Easy to learn
Golang’s specification is full of examples and merely 50 pages long. This language is quite easy to read and learn from the specification. Clean syntax indicates the language is easy to maintain. Features that make Go simple are the minimal interface, no implicit conversions, and clear code separation packages. The main emphasis of go language is on minimalism and readability. Go has a few orthogonal programs constructed which combine in tiny and powerful ways. Golang also provides automatic formatting of code.
- Fast and high performance
Being a compiled language, it means the code you write is directly translated into relevant format instead of compiling onto byte-code first like other languages. Golang is faster and more reliable as it does not involve middle-man. As it is a compiled language, the code written in Go runs fast. There is a slight disadvantage when someone tries ad hoc importing with high performance, though high performance is beneficial for all. The Go compiler supports cross-compilation, which lets you compile your code with different language machines.
- Transparent
Golang syntax is meant to be transparent. The one standard code format is created automatically by fmt tool. Go language makes it easy to read your code and estimate resources. Languages like Python are as readable as Go, but not very transparent. Read the complete comparison of Go vs Python.
- Open source by nature
Gophers detect and correct the issues, and the issue is solved easily before it creates hindrance.
- Large community
Golang have a large and supportive community, and it is also one of the popular programming languages. It has its own GitHub repository, which includes many editors and plugins, and many other resources are also available, including Slack channel, a blog, and sub-Reddit forums. Along with this, there are countless Golang programmers out there to share their knowledge.
- Built-in testing
They created this language with simplicity and efficiency, and Go includes a built-in testing tool. You can run tests in parallel, and along with other features Go can be used for various types of testing and profiling.
- Complied directly to machine code
With no virtual machine, Go can compile directly to the machine code. This makes Go language very fast. Also, you can compile cross-platform to Windows, Android, Linux and many more.
- Garbage collected language
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Go manages all the run work by itself and the language makes it easier for developers to perform activities like memory management.
- Scalable
The Golang advantages include Goroutines– functions that simultaneously and independently run. This makes it more scalable and takes little memory while dealing with several concurrent processes. Without fear of crashing your system, you can run millions of Goroutines and create a leaner software.
- Concurrency
Take advantage of multiple cores and write tasks as concurrent functions are the one that can run while the other functions are in process/running—no need to wait for additional functions to complete. For concurrency, Go have built-in support, and it creates and manages concurrent operations efficiently.
Final thoughts
With many benefits, Golang development service seems very appealing. We hope you got a brief and general idea about the pros and cons of Golang development. Also, a fun fact: the language is called Go, but the term Golang became famous as their website “go.org” was unavailable and thus taken by “golang.org”. If you are looking to hire expert developers, then visit our site for more information and services.