Employees and fitness- benefits of workplace fitness culture


Fitness at the workplace is essential, and it has certain benefits, let’s discuss this topic through this blog. As we all know, hiring people is easy in comparison to retaining employees. With years you will learn and understand that no one cares about your business and the work like you do. Well obviously you will have some unexceptionally talented employees, but again that’s in a small percentage. So the question is, what needs to be done to increase productivity and develop employee’s interest? And the answer to all this dilemma is launching the “fitness program for the employees.”

While working in offices and workplaces, fitness does not come to our mind. We spend many days sitting on a desk or looking at computer screens and even lunch at the same desk. Encouraging fitness in the workplace can turn extremely beneficial for both employers and employees. As per research, endorphins released during exercise depict more self-confidence and energy of an employee. Exercise not only maintains physical health but also brings a more positive attitude and reduces stress to a great extent.

A fit employee is less prone to falling sick. E.g., if a bug or some virus is going around the office but those who don’t exercise regularly and does not take care are far more likely to fall ill. Encouraging fitness or exercise among employees will result in fewer absentees and can also affect long-term absentees aswell. 

"Have a look at the GKMIT workplace fitness program and check how GKMIT is encouraging all GKMITIANS to stay fit and healthy."

Employee work-health balance-GKMIT

A small initiative on the path of fitness by GKMIT


Let’s discuss the significant five benefits of encouraging fitness at the workplace.


benefits of having healthy employee - workplace fitness culture


  1. Less Absenteeism

Healthier the worker, less absenteeism. Well yes, by introducing the employee health and well-being department, a company can decline lost workdays by 80% and can achieve modified duty days by 64% as per research. Thus an organization can save the right amount and can do good cost-saving.


  1. Less stress: healthy employees leads to happy employees 

happy employee and healthy employee - workplace fitness culture


Yes, it’s true, more the healthy employees more the positivity and productivity in the office. Through wellness programs, we can educate employees on balancing the stress and how to make themselves feel better inside out (physically and mentally). When employees see care and concern, this boosts the morale of employees. Today many workers spend there maximum time of workday sitting at a computer screen resulting in neck, back, wrist, and arm fatigue, and also some employees report eye strain and stress by looking at a screen continuously.

Numerous corporate fitness programs offer exercise for desk-bound workers and wellness programs and tips for ergonomics to reduce stress and muscle strain. These tips include everything from simple stretching exercises to scheduled workouts to break the ridiculous monotony. 


  1. Better performance 

wellness program for employee - workplace fitness culture


According to research, companies with fitness wellness programs retain employees for longer than others. Employees appreciate efforts, and thus, this results in a decrease in employee turnover rate. Motivated employees always work on increasing the productivity of the company. By investing in health care programs, a company can improve employee attendance. As per research, exercise helps produce certain chemicals that help the brain to perform certain functions like multi-tasking, brainstorming, and problem-solving.


  1. Foster teamwork

Participating in an employee fitness program can bring a great sense of workplace teamwork. Its true, employees exercising together get to know each other better and tend to bring an enhanced relationship. 

Social support is significant support, and this can boost each other’s efforts and help hold each other accountable. Employees who interact with each other reduces stress at the workplace. These types of relationships build a company culture of cooperation and increase loyalty and overall goodwill. Thus by adopting a healthier lifestyle, both parties are benefitted.


  1. Lower healthcare cost

It’s a fact that healthy employees cost less than unhealthy employees. As per healthcare experts, about 70 to 90 percent of healthcare spending is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, very less exercise, and smoking, and this affects productivity and hampers growth.‍


How to get started- a workplace that promotes wellness and fitness 

Depending on the company size and budget, many firms provide perks to their employees like an on-site gym membership, mindfulness training, fresh fruits & vegetables in the break room, and other wellness program benefits for employees.


In the short term, there are a few ideas which you can implement at your workplace for healthy and happy employees. 

  1. Provide an extra 30 mins to your clients to walk, lift weights, or play outdoor games.
  2. Set quarterly fitness goals such as pound lost or steps taken for a healthy future.
  3.  Motivate or replace processed food with fruits, vegetables, and healthy trail mix.
  4. Motivate and encourage the employes to get up, walk, and stretch.
  5. Create an incentive or award program for employees to track their steps or measures.
  6. Encouraging standing desk
  7. Encourage for stretching exercise or showing videos which an employee can do at its desk.

Now get immediate ROI from the happier, healthier, and productive workforce by investing in employee wellness programs and directly impact revenue growth. Start the worksite wellness program today. Encourage your employees to stay fit and introduce various small fitness programs to check and test the wellness of employees. “Healthy employees are happy employees” who bring positivity and growth in an organization.