Since 1970, every year, on April 22, billions of people across the globe celebrate Earth day. It is a collective mission toward saving the planet by raising awareness of environmental hazards plaguing nature. Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970. Today 1 billion people in 193 countries actively participate in spreading awareness to protect biodiversity, climate, and our precious planet. 

Earth day 2022 theme- Invest in the planet.


This year's theme focuses on working together to invest in our planet and build an equitable and prosperous future. It's high time to preserve our planet and future, our families, livelihood, and Earth. As once a wise person said, "Green Future is a Prosperous Future". The key point is to act boldly, innovate broadly and implement equitably. Every individual in this world has a voice, and not just one person can do it all. Together we can make a difference and change the world in a better way and shape a green future. Sustainability is the answer to prosperity. Today smart and innovative companies are engaged to help shape a better future and switch toward the green movement. The government needs to take a step to encourage the green economy and implement ways and methods to increase sustainability by every means. Collectively we all should work on building a framework for a stable future. 

Modern technology owes ecology an apology - Nurture nature.


In recent years, many companies have switched towards creating environmental awareness among employees and within the infrastructure. The green revolution is significant-top to meet today's environment challenging hazards caused by companies directly or indirectly. Reducing carbon footprint by adopting more sustainable practices and eco-friendly products has become necessary. Large companies include sustainability and planet-friendly business practices in their company DNA through innovation and transparency.


There is always an option that is comparable in price, equal in quality and doesn't come at the planet's expense. Many companies are leading forward in terms of environmental stewardship.


Eco-loving practices which a company can adopt to nurture Earth with green footprints


Not all companies adopt eco-friendly practices, but nowadays, awareness has helped a lot in making companies go -green. The corporate strategic initiative can be achieved through a plan. These small contributions can greatly impact everyday living and not just on Earth day!!


Top ways through which companies can become more eco-friendly


  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


The best way to reduce waste in landfills is never to send it there! Instead, reduce, reuse and recycle. Companies need to work on reducing unnecessary usage where possible. Instead of disposable cups, plates and utensils, opt for sustainable alternatives. Work on reusing items where possible. Instead of throwing out structurally intact boxes, reuse them. Employees should be encouraged to use both sides of printer papers in offices.

"Recycle the present, save the future."

Recycling is also one of the best alternatives. Keep two bins for waste and make it easier to recycle the eco waste.


  • Offer Remote Work

If more work can be done online, it is less needed for people to be physically present in the office. Over the past few years, remote work has been making life easier and sustainable. It allows employees to have work-life flexibility and sustainability and reduces commuting, which is great for the environment. Fewer cars on the road and less emission traffic equate to less carbon dioxide emissions. A small change can significantly impact the business's overall carbon footprint. Also, less money is spent on stocking, lighting and heating/cooling of the workplace. 


  • Provide Public Transit Commuter Benefits

Commuting to the workplace contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Public transportation is the greenest way to commute. Companies can encourage employees to take advantage of public transport. Small businesses can provide employees with public transport benefits and help the environment.


  • Get Office/Company EV ready.


The year 2019 brought a notable change in the life of everyone. The year electric vehicle came into the market full-fledged. Invest in the planet by making your workplace/office/company EV ready. Install EV chargers at a workstation or in parking and encourage your employees to switch to electric vehicles and help them charge EVs while working. This is the one significant step in reducing carbon footprints for your employees and business.


  • Cut Paper Usage

Everything seems digital these days, but still, we use a heck lot of paper in the office. On average, an office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper a year, and 45% of all papers used is thrown in the dustbin. Earth day is not just a solution of performing temporary activities on occasion but all year round to work on reducing paper usage. A digital solution such as fillable PDF documents and forms minimise paper use.


  • Reduce Office Food Waste

Industrialised countries waste a lot of food, as per research. The average US office worker discards 23 pounds of food a month. One of the best Earth day ideas in terms of corporate environmental responsibility is to donate unused food to a needy or food bank.


  • Purchase Sustainable products from sustainable suppliers

To keep your office running, you will need certain products. Consider changing the products over time and from where you are buying. Over time you can commit to more environmentally friendly and sustainable products while choosing suppliers and focus on eco-friendliness.


  • Start a composting scheme.

Help mother Earth by adopting an office composting scheme. Composting helps reduce organic waste and saves money on waste collection and fertilisers for office plants. Educate employees on what is compostable and what is not; keep two different bins handy near food consumption and preparation areas.


  • Invest in green web hosting services

Websites use energy conservation. The server that hosts website data uses a copious amount of energy. Companies choose where their data is stored. Eco-Conscious companies are offsetting energy usage to go carbon neutral. 

Google has done a lot to decarbonise its data centers and claims its cloud service produces zero net carbon, and Amazon has promised to achieve the same by 2040 through solar and wind farms.


  • Buy carbon offsets


The companies' carbon footprints that can't be reduced through changes in whatever portion can reach carbon neutrality by purchasing offsets. Businesses can use numerous marketplaces to calculate and offset carbon emissions. It is crucial to search for third party certification and investment made in it. Few companies through which you can start your carbon-neutral journey:

  • Cool effect
  • Terrapass
  • South pole
  • Native Energy
  • Myclimate
  • Clear
  • Nori

Live Green, Love Green, Think Green, Dream Green

 Every company and business has a different impact on the planet and contributes to climate change, pollution, and waste crisis. It's high time now!! Let's pledge to switch to more sustainable and eco-friendly means on this Earth day. By taking our carbon footprints into account and taking every measure to shrink them, we can make a better future and stop hazardous climate change together.