Over the last few years, the software development industry has witnessed many major technological transformations. The software makes the world go round by giving numerous technological options to enterprise and out of which artificial intelligence is obviously one. 

Artificial intelligence has brought a drastic impact on the software development field. It has made software smarter for enterprise use.

From a survey, it is found that AI-based software development will improve agile test automation, automation testing software, RPA bots functions.

Through this blog, we have brought answers to your questions like how will artificial intelligence affect software development? How will software development work with changes? How will AI work with the development cycle? Let us find answers from the below points.

The role played by AI in software development -

We can expect better app development under the existing environment through artificial intelligence impact. AI is shaping the future of software development as businesses are adopting and showing interest in it. As per research and study, up to 80% of companies are investing in AI. Digitally mature companies have defined AI strategy nearly at 47%.

By 2021 it is estimated that AI tools will create $2.9 trillion in business value.


If you are thinking of adopting an AI strategy, then it is essential to analyze the change and understand the AI role in software development. To provide extremely 

Customizable products and services to your customers there are some super functionalities offer by AI in software development.


Learn about the areas where AI impacts software development.

  • AI used in testing services

    AI in software development-testing service-gkmit

    To ensure the quality of product software, testing is inevitable. Repeating the same test code can prove time-consuming and costly. Thus to avoid repetition, AI plays an important role and comes to rescue at the time of software testing. There are many AI tools to plan testing in the right way. These AI tools automate the testing and ensure error-free testing in the future. A few examples of AI testing platforms are functionize, testim.io, and appvance.

  • Gathering requirements

    AI in software development- requirement gathering-gkmit

    As we all know, requirement gathering involves a lot of human intervention. AI has many tools and techniques like google ML kit, Infosys Nia to minimize human intervention and automate the process. Before moving to the design stage, this step helps in detecting loopholes. Through one of the distinctive AI features, the machine can understand user’s requirements through natural language processing and generate high-level software models. Of course, there are some loopholes and errors in this, but also it is one of the most researched topics.

  • Designing software

    AI in software development- designing software-gkmit

    To reach a definitive solution, all you need to do is specialized in planning projects and designing and achieve experience and learning in the same. To settle on one correct design in every stage is an impossible task for designers. AI tools automate complex procedures and help clients reach the desired solution and for further investigating plan forces and dynamic changes in design.  

  • Automatic code generation

    AI in software development- automatic code generation-gkmit

    It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to write code for the huge project and business idea. Experts start writing code to confront time and money. In case of uncertainty, the approach is not good as detailing takes much time in writing codes from scratch. With the help of AI intelligence programming, the load is reduced to an extent.

Deployment control

AI has some impact on software deployment as well. At this stage, developers often upgrade the programs and apps to newer versions. There will be a high risk if developers fail to execute a process correctly. Now reduce the risk of failure in deployment through AI as it prevents developers from vulnerabilities and upgradation. AI also enables us to analyze the deployment process with ML algorithms.


AI in software development- benefits

  • Enhanced data security feature

  • Easier bugs and error identification

  • Strategic decision making

  • Game changer by improving accuracy and estimates

  • Managing customer experience
  • Timeline and schedule management


Final thoughts -

The whole logic being AI intervention in software development is not just about AI improvement or improving software development and testing but to provide satisfactory and desired output/ product to clients, and also clients and customers feel appreciated. Get in touch with our experts if you are looking to leverage AI in software development.